Testimonials - Why Our Customers Love Us and Consider Us the Best Fresh Dog Food For Their Pups!

Elizabeth A.
My dog Kylie has become reenergized and full of life ever since I put her on Emma Lou’s for lunch and dinner. She’s also lost 20 lbs (from 75 lbs to 55 lbs) over the last year while she has been eating better and it had made a world of difference for her hip dysplasia. She now acts like she’s four years younger and I’ve never seen her happier.
Karen T.
I absolutely LOVE Emmalou’s Homemade food for my dog Ella…Being a nutritionist myself, I couldn’t fathom giving her regular dog food. She is so energetic and healthy and I know a big part of it is what she’s eating. It’s real food, no artificial anything and it’s so fresh. When she has doggie friends come over they always lick her plate if there is any left!
Rob R.
After being diagnosed with cancer, my dog, Maya, was given 8 weeks to live. I asked the vet what I could do to either prolong her life or maintain the quality of it and his response was, “…not much but diet and exercise might help.” I had a few friends who swore by Kristen’s dog food, so I thought I’d give it a shot and let the chips fall where they may. That was 8 MONTHS ago. I’m happy to say that Maya is still alive today and she is the medical marvel of my vet’s office. She’s lost no weight, her energy is consistent and she is taking almost no medication. Kristen’s food has kept my dog alive and I am certain of that.
Caroline B.
Almost a year ago my rescue terrier mix Vivian got hit by a car, while she was in surgery she developed an esophageal stricture (which means that her esophagus closed up with scar tissue) after 3 surgeries to open up her throat, the verdict came in – she was unable to eat kibble ever again and needed to be on a soft food diet. I started searching for the very best solution for my very best girl. A friend referred me to Kristen at Emma Lou’s Kitchen and that was it, I was hooked. Now both of my furry haired kids eat it. Its fresh, gourmet and I feel good knowing that I am giving the most healthy diet to my animals. Both of my dogs have shiny coats, bright eyes and good breath from eating this food. In fact last month a friend came to stay with me and had his 85lb German Shepherd with him, and after tasting this food, he started protesting eating his kibble. Another dog hooked on Emma Lou’s.
Amanda R.
Emma Lou’s is a god send, it literally has turned my senior into a little ball of energy. Lola is an 11 year old Boston terrier with a history of medical issues and tummy problems. Since changing her diet to Emma Lou’s, Lola has not had one bout of tummy issues. She is regular and her coat is totally shiny and puppy like. Her eyes are clear and her attitude is happier. She keeps up with our 2 years old Chihuahua like a champ. I highly recommend Emma Lou to all dog families. It is the reason I believe my Lola to be a HEALTHY AND HAPPY SENIOR!
Dage B.
When my husband and I decided to get a dog, we knew we wanted to adopt. We decided on Grace, a 6 year old Shih-Tzu from the Baldwin Park pound. She was a mess! Her wiry hair had fallen out due to bad allergies, she was reverse sneezing (that horrible choking sound like they can’t take a breath) about 10 times a day, and her eyes were cloudy. contacted Emma Lou’s Homemade so I could start the healing process off right. After a small Q&A with Kristen about Gracie’s needs I was able to start her on the road to recovery.
It is now 6 months later and she has a clean bill of health. We did a blood panel on her recently and her functions are fabulous! Because her teeth and gums look so good, the vet is now thinking she is younger than 6!! She has stopped reverse sneezing, her eyes are clear and expressive and her coat is so shiny and long!! If I hadn’t started feeding her Emma Lou’s, there is no doubt in my mind that our vet bill would have been astronomical getting her back to health. Thanks Emma Lou!!!!